The following are two replies that I made on another substack …
… when the topic of Eugenics reared its ugly head.
The problem with eugenics is not that selection wouldn’t work: it would work, in a very small number of generations. It is that I, and, apparently a lot of people, would not like to live in such a society.
Both co-operation and (intraspecific) competition are intrinsic to the human condition, or experience, (or modus vivendi); but the instinct to co-operate, experienced as empathy (and companionship and teamwork …) is the more appealing to most of us, as well as the more important in the success of society. It is involved in all that is most valued in the human experience - the positive aspects of our relationships with others.
For those in power it is competition which is their favoured mode of behaviour, since it most favours their ("selfish"!) genes. This is what makes them unattractive, mendacious and pitiable.
Can anyone explain the problem with eugenics without screaming "Hitler"? I've never seen it done. Considering we all engage in eugenics when we are at all selective about who we have kids with, …
I think it's important that everyone CAN explain what's wrong with eugenics from principles rather by association with Hitler, or other image. (Personally I associate it more strongly with its earlier advocates In the US).
I agree that we should be selective about who we have children with, but this is not eugenics because it is a decision that you make freely for yourself. What makes eugenics wrong is that is imposed on other people.
It is a subset of The Greater Good argument. You often hear this referred to these days without an appreciation of how dangerous a fallacy it is. It was the argument behind all the democides of the twentieth century. Read "What's Wrong With "The Greater Good"" at WhatDoINo substack.
You change people's minds by education & persuasion, not force.
If only we could all live and let live.
the problem with it is people, they do horrible monstrous things like sterilising the stupid, disabled, anyone they think unworthy.
We can live and let live, but if we don't defend our principles, then most likely somebody without principles or with "bad intent" in general cause they think they are superior will try to kill us ("history" suggest as much to one discerning), so one of my principles is to have defenses in place to stop those nefarious who might act out of bad faith with ill will, and if they come to my place uninvited, I will kill them if I have to and that is based upon the principle of survival. Surviving with defense is the way to go and defense is so much easier than offense and takes so much less energy, and really, most of us share the desire to live with our neighbors in peace.
This is why the whole Calvinist concept of pre-destination is most offensive to me and I refute it resolutely with conviction determined.