Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Reece

In reference to the Dissident Views (in Defence of "Conspiracy Theories") a lecture by Michael Parenti is relevant to wealthy people being likely to collaborate. (I'll look for this if you are interested.)

For Appendix 3, seeing as Operation Gladio and PBSUCCESS are referred to, might it not also be an idea to refer to the Syrian interventions' operation name as Timber Sycamore in the notes column?

Also relevant to include in that table, reference to the recent US backed Saudi invasion of Yemen, and US backed overthrow attempt of the Ethiopian government.

There is also the likelihood that the US intervened in Venezuela in an attempt to oust Maduro. Also may be some flimsy evidence regarding ousting of Imran khan in Pakistan and staging of the colour revolution in Kazakhstan.

Could be current US interference in Iran and Peru.

The presentation of dates looks like Trump's time was clean, but Trump's missile attack on Syrian airbase was 2017 at Shayrat, and the assassination by drone strike of Iranian General Soleimani.

Important that people understand that many recent and current events have US hallmarks and such interference is not just historical.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Reece

Wow and thank you. Your article is one of the most important and invaluable "knowledge gifts" I've ever received. You've obviously done your homework...and then some. Thank you for compiling and sharing. I'm new to your Stack and am wholly impressed.

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This is well typed especially the first few paragraphs.

Give me some time, I'll read through it and give you any feedback if I think it is helpful, but I think you do yourself a service and show the value of folks with wisdom long-learned in life.



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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Jonathan Reece

I've just been reading old nz newspapers with the search terms 'Hitler' and 'banks' limited to 1930-1933 (yes to try and catch sight of that letter that I saw a few years ago).

This is how his financing came about, for the context you need to realize that central banks with monopolies on printing money had been pushed on world in previous 20 years or so but in 1931 there wern't too many around, England, United States & South Africa being the exceptions. There was also a push around this time by the Rothschilds to centralize all banks in one place that was successfully resisted by the Bank of International settlements (this happened in Montreal)

1930 Hitler despite being at low support levels was getting a bit of press.

1931 14th and 15th July the banks are shut for two days leading to a bit of a run on them by the sounds of it (housewives & businessman desperately trying to get cash) although that's not really reported as a run.

On the 15th July there are reports that the Bank of International settlements (not Rothschilds) is going to join with the Bank of England & the Federal Reserve (are Rothschilds) to help bail out the German banks (in other words the squeeze had been put on them). Who were the Germans formerly sided with I wonder.

This comes to fruition over the next few days at the same time that France, who had the second largest reserves of gold after the US, sees a lot of its gold leave the confines of its control (hmmmm).

Almost immediately the headlines change to pro Hitler headlines such as "Hitler's hour of destiny" and the like.

Straight after his ascension to Chancellor the banks start funding his government big time supposedly in this agreement to bail out the German banks. Might even have been enough to have contributed to recessions elsewhere as capital was favourited to Germany.

Make of that what you will but it seems obvious to me that Hitler had support not just from industrialists and the Bush family in NY but also the support of the largest bankers on the planet.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Excellent "Wake Up Ammo" - thank you. I will be sharing it with a lot of folks. If you're interested in suggestions for other news sites to add to the "What Else" section, I've found Global Research useful. They have a weekly "hits" list that is a nice round up for what's been going on in the world. The most current one (as of 2/8/23) is https://www.globalresearch.ca/this-weeks-most-popular-articles-87 I try to PDF each one and save it - comes in handy to take a look back at the recent past and try to spot trends or patterns that might not have been evident at the time a news story was fresh...

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you call yourself AWAKE and still believe 6 gazzilion lies about the shoes....

disinfo agent... or stupid?

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