Wow, great archive of resources, Jonathan and excellent job tying them together. I love James Perloff, who I'd never heard before. He's funny and packs so much in! I cover a lot of these topics in my book but I certainly learned a lot new from him. I also got my refrigerator cleaned, double bonus!

I'd add to his research how the mortgage affected both family debt and inflation, I talk about it here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/inflation-colonization. And I was hoping he'd get into the Constitution, which I talk about here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-constitutional-convention-coup.

But what he really added for me that was brand-new was how far back the idea of One World Government goes, and that part of the plan is regionalization first. That's part of my plan too so it's a good thing to be on alert.

Oh and I found recently that it's been scrubbed from the internet that Daddy Warbucks represented Warburg in Little Orphan Annie. I did a search not long ago and all I could find was some nonsense. Thanks again!

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Thanks for your suggestions of articles to read: I shall definitely do so.

If the few references in that article were helpful, I wonder if you noticed my substack article "Ammo for Waking People Up". This has a long list of resources from the period when I was "waking up" around 2010, when I retired.

That's other people's output of course.

The 2 contributions of mine which I regard as most important are

"What's Wrong With The Greater Good", and

"Coping with Disagreement and Being Wrong"

I think they are significant insights that I can't find elsewhere.



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I'll check those out!

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There's satisfaction to be had, in a horrid sorry of way, isn't there? ... and a clean fridge into the bargain!

I wonder if you've seen the 2 interviews with Norman Dodd on YouTube? VERY important.

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I haven't seen the Norman Dodds yet but ... I do have more cleaning and organizing to do!

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