Mar 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Reece

Whoever described Star Trek as a superprogressive program that programmed us was correct. There’s the inimitable Mr.Spock, pretending to be devoid of emotion, inside the radiation engine and on the other side of the glass, the Captain, hands across the glass; Spock, suicidal but saving everyone, stating something like” the needs of the many outweigh those of the few...”

and For the Greater Good idea, which seemed so noble, brave, and unselfish, sold itself via a situation that rarely ever occurs. Note the news doesn’t show humans helping humans heroically any more, we’re supposed too be busy being divisive. Thats BS and they know it.

Regardless, the indoctrination of most of us was in full swing from hollywood. The marxists worked overtime while we led coddled lives. I kick myself knowing i got too busy paying taxes to notice my own indoctrination. So, the redpilling, turning back to the principles of real justice, faith, gratitude and generosity, was liberating indeed. The greater good slogan is the blue pill society chokes on, and once swallowed it needs to be upchucked asap.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Liked by Jonathan Reece

“Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.” is actually not Hitler and not even Goering; it's from Churchill's England.

France and Britain declared war on Germany (which started WW2), because the Germans re-took the German-majority parts of Poland that had been annexed to Poland after WW1. Stalin took the rest of Poland, yet he became an "ally." Isn't there something wrong with that?

There is nothing the Germans did that the "Allies" didn't, yet nobody talks about eight million German civilians killed in carpet bombings, up to two million German POWs and civilians tortured to death in "Allies'" concentration camps (from age 8 to 80). Nazi scientists, including "doctors," were imported to the US during Operation Paperclip. The Soviets, the US, and China have all been engaging in clandestine "medical" experiments for several decades. In the US, it's coming to the "Green Zones" (aka. death camps) soon.

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Many of us have lost family to the second world war and world war 1, our family fought and died for the freedoms we used to have. Just because demented immoral heartless people think they can do what ever they want, there are laws to say they can not. Just because the police won't act to stop criminals in government etcetera, etcetera dose not mean they are right. Just because they make rules, laws, policies to protect themselves does not make it right. These people are the employees of the people who voted them into the positions they have and if they got in through fraudulent means then the are ilegally implementing their will on the population. These demented criminals have placed themselves with the help of many other corrupt institutions as rulers far above the position they are in. We as a sentient race are above the criminals controlling the world and it is our birth right to be able to protect our selves and our loved ones, I have said many times over many years. Who gave these people the power over us to do us harm, steal our wealth or dictate anything? Enough is enough.

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Great post, especially this:

"If the individual is the highest priority, everybody is respected, as society is also made up of individuals. But if society (the state) is the highest priority, individuals are regarded as disposable."

In this Covid Bioweapons World War, which is waging against humanity, the "state" is the highest priority. All states, all governments, all militaries. There will be no Nuremberg Trials II for this war without all governments being dissolved. The People must take down all complicit governments/militaries - which is all of them. That will never happen and so Nuremberg Trials II will never happen (are governments going to try themselves?)


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Very well-written and thoughtful post, excellent.

I must point out, because I am that irritating pointer-outer, that the actual existence of viruses is actually looking like a scam in and of itself, for about 150 years, now, for the sake of pocket-linings. The study of virology is a shameful scam of unscientific nonsense, it seems clear to me. So the idea of a vaccine is actually now, in my view, quite an insult to Nature and to whatever Higher Power one may consider worthy of serving, if any, and almost certainly an abomination to the health of the individual and the body's natural means of protecting itself. As long as we continue to believe in the myth of the virus, we are missing the mark and playing along in a game that is meant to destabilize and weaken us for no other reason than to enrich most vile individuals and the generality of the behemoth of Big Pharma as a whole, sacrificing our health, and the health of children, for blood money.

I think it's time to break free of this entire train-wreck of medical fraud for good and for the good.

Cheers, though, I really did enjoy your post.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Jonathan Reece

"It may be worth reflecting on where we need to draw the line between the choice-maximising nudges of libertarian paternalism [excuse me if I vomit]" - could you clarify why it is vomit worthy?

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Knowing what I now know about the governments of today I think many or most of the politicians are placed, I'm sure there was a time when voting meant something but I don't have faith in the voting system today. I have hard time believing Trudeau in Canada was voted in or Biden in the USA. Trudeau has too many controversies as does Biden for me and millions of others to swallow that as true. Once these criminals are placed they bring in other criminals to do what they say without question. You are right, in the begining without knowing they were criminals of a different breed, many voted these criminals into government because they thought they were still somewhat trustworthy. Now they have taken over everything. I never voted for many many years as I thought they were all a bunch of criminals no matter who one voted for or for whatever side. Now it is time for me to at least try vote who I think is the best even if the system is corrupt to the core in the hopes that in the near future the true numbers of votes for whoever comes to light and those holding positions they should not have can be removed.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Jonathan Reece

an excellent well written article, thankyou for drawing my attention!

may i post a link to this on my site?

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Jonathan Reece

Table 6.1 doesn't show the US.


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That is quite a post, thank you very much. There is a lot of good stuff from a quick scan. Re 'the greater good.' An anagram is

ago oh regretted

This seems quite suitable as in people saying harms and death is regrettable but necessary for the greater good. Whatever truth, if any, in that the vaccines were never any good whatsoever as being in essence poisons they could only ever harm or kill.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jonathan Reece

i am very intersted in the information contained in this post. the information contained in this post inspired me to generate research ideas.


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what about the 1934 non aggression pact between poland and germany?

what about the 1938 munich agreement?

those indeed were ruses.

set up by whom, again?

rewriting history are we?

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Seems I can leave a comment here on this post (which I need to read), but not on your other post????? It is probably nothing and I'm glad to leave this comment here.

After I read through what you are supposing, then I will decide whether I want to subscribe, but regardless on all that, best to you and may your future endeavors bring you fortune in a good way for all around you.

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"Your organs may be harvested "for the greater good". (There are reports and documentaries about this happening currently in China)."

Reports? Documentaries? I'll bet they're all coming from a Five Eyes nation. Curious to know your sources.

FYI - I've lived in China for nearly 18 years and doing business here for 22 years. I've traveled to most every major city in China and have close relations some government authorities who give me a clear view on the reality of what's happening at their level. I can assure you that organ harvesting is NOT happening on a large or small scale in the public's eye. If so, it would be major news here. This sort of thing just doesn't exist in China just like the fact that bats aren't sold in open-air meat markets.

It doesn't mean that there isn't any black market trafficking of humans and organs occurring, just like there is in every country in the world that's controlled by government. I'm sure you know that all governments report to the Evil Empire known as the Committee of 300, the Black Nobility and Crown of 13. They're the ones that sacrifice humans, drink their blood and adrenochrome during their many occultic rituals.

BTW, I am not a paid shill or receive and money or benefit from the CCP. I am here as resident living a normal life surrounded by nice people, an ultra-safe environment, modern living standards, clean cities and lots of opportunities for an old guy like me with lots of talent and ambition.

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