Thanks for the link. It's hard to know how reliable the data are, when you hear employees talking about how they are altered, and when the data about a recent year gets changed a few years later.

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You were doing so well, incl with the examples, until you went off the deep end assuming that just because there is a conspiracy, or several conspiracies, that means the underlying issue must be fake.

Melting glaciers globally is not "ficticious".

Nor is ocean acidification from extra CO2, and all the other pollutants being pushed out.

It may be an uncomfortable truth to face for a supposedly Intelligent species when it realises it has achieved gross over-population, especially when that situation has been caused by Religious fantasies, massive over-exploitation of the majority, and flattering of the worshipped ego.

A SENSIBLE (Ie ACTUALLY intelligent) species would seek to reduce its numbers carefully, with forethought, empathy and reason, over a decent enough time-scale.

Instead, the authoritarians and hierarchically-minded, and greed/power obsessed will attempt to impose their "Solutions" once the situation goes into collapse.

Helped along by those who insist only 'humans' matter, putting their head into holes and outright denialism until catastrophe is inevitable - helped to that position by the nudges of the very Authoritarians they think they are opposing.

These WEF and other Oligarchists are very happy for denialists to prevent any organised effort, knowing damned well THEIR privileges would be the first on the block if human society took this seriously.

And yet, apart from that one flaw, it was a superb essay!!

Just goes to show.

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Thanks very much.

I don't know anyone who thinks the climate isn't changing, just not due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Size matters. I didn't "assume": I sat on the fence for some months, knowing that I did not know which account was correct. I studied, and then came to a tentative conclusion.

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At long last, someone says what I have been thinking for quite some time now.

I appreciate it, Jonathan.

Since it seems that I’ve been kicked out of the big tribe, I think that I’ll check out this one for awhile.

Very timely, useful, analysis.

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Excellent - a kindred spirit!

We must persist until we are the biggest tribe!

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Just reread some of your fine, insightful observations..assumptions based on generalisation being a prejudice jumped off the screen, and is one I’ll be using in future. Many thanks!✍️👏👏

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I'm impressed you got through it! Thanks for doing so.

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